I ended up porting Mika to WebGL using SDL 1 and Emscripten.
Next I will describe what needed to be changed in the code so that the assembly in JavaScript would complete successfully.
- Use SDL 1 instead of SDL 2. There is currently a port of SDL 2 for emscripten, but I found it more appropriate to use the built-in emscripten SDL 1. The context is initialized not in the window, but with SDL_SetVideoMode and the SDL_OPENGL flag. The buffer is drawn with the SDL_GL_SwapBuffers() command
- Due to the peculiarities of execution of cycles in JavaScript – rendering is moved to a separate function and its periodic call is set using the function emscripten_set_main_loop
- Also, the assembly must be carried out with the key “-s FULL_ES2=1“
- I had to abandon the assimp library, loading the model from the file system, loading the texture from the disk. All the necessary buffers were loaded onto the desktop version, and passed to the c-header file for assembly using emscripten.