Factory Method

The Factory Method pattern is a creational design pattern.
This pattern describes the creation of an interface for creating an object of a specific class. Seems simple, right?

In theory

Let’s say we are developing a framework for working with AR glasses. When tilting the head to the side, a menu of available applications should appear before the user’s eyes. Applications will be developed by third-party companies, clients of our framework. Naturally, we do not know which applications, icons, names should appear, so we must provide an interface for implementing the icon and related information about the application. Let’s call it Product:

protocol Product {
 var name: String { get }
 var image: Image { get }
 var executablePath: String { get }

Next, we need to provide an interface for our clients to implement the issuance of an array of applications of their Specific Product – an array of application icons with names, which we will already draw in the framework.

Let’s write this interface – a Creator interface containing a Factory Method that returns an array of Products.

protocol Creator {
 func factoryMethod() -> [Product]

In practice

The first client of our AR framework was 7B, a leading supplier of coffee maker software in Honduras. They want to sell augmented reality glasses with the ability to brew coffee, check the water/beans level, and show the way to their nearest coffee maker in indoor map mode.

They take on the development of the software, all we need to do is provide documentation on the Creator and Product interfaces, for the correct display of the list of applications and their subsequent launch.

After the documentation is transferred, the 7B company, using the Creator interface, implements the Concrete Creator class that returns an array of icon applications. The icon applications themselves are Concrete Product classes implementing the Product interface.

Example Code Specific Products:

class CoffeeMachineLocator: implements Product {
 let name = “7B Coffee Machine Locator v.3000”
 let image = Image.atPath(“images/locator.tga”)
 let executablePath = “CoffeeMachineLocator.wasm”

class iPuchinno: implements Product {
 let name = “iPuchinno 1.0.3”
 let image = Image.atPath(“images/puchino.pvrtc”)
 let executablePath = “neutron/ipuchBugFixFinalNoFreezeFixAlpha4.js”

A Concrete Creator class that returns an array of two applications:

class 7BAppsCreator: implements Creator {
 func factoryMethod() -> [Product] {
  return [CoffeeMachineLocator(), iPuchinno()]

After that, the 7B company compiles the library of Specific Products, Specific Creator and combines it with our framework, starts selling AR glasses for their coffee makers, no modifications are required on our part.



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