Abstract Factory Pattern

Abstract factory– provides an interface for creating related objects without specifying specific classes.

I really like the alternative name of this pattern – Kit

It is very similar to Factory Method, however Abstract Factories must describe the relationship between the objects being created, otherwise it is simply an anti-pattern God Object, which creates everything in a row in a haphazard manner.

Let’s imagine developing an AR framework for glasses, we display indoor navigation arrows, icons of stores, interesting places, windows and buttons with information about a place where the user is currently located on the screen.

At the same time, we need the ability to customize the appearance and behavior of AR environment controls. This is exactly the case where we need to use the Set pattern.

Let’s write the interface of the Abstract Factory and Abstract Products – parent protocols, elements of the AR environment:

protocol ARFactory {
    func arrow() -> ARArrow
    func icon() -> ARIcon
    func button() -> ARButton
    func window() -> ARWindow

protocol ARArrow {
    var image: { get }
    func handleSelection()

protocol ARIcon {
    var image: { get }
    var title: String

protocol ARButton {
    var title: String
    func handleSelection()

protocol ARWindow {
    var title: String
    var draw(canvas: Canvas)

Now, set developers will need to implement a Concrete Factory based on the Abstract Factory interface, and all elements will have to be implemented together; other parts of the application will be able to work with the factory without changing their code.


https://refactoring.guru/ru/design-patterns /abstract-factory

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