GoF Patterns

List of most important OOP patterns in computer programming aka Gang of Four Design Patterns.

Creational patterns

Structural patterns

Behavioral patterns

Interpreter Pattern

What’s included

The Interpreter Pattern is a Behavioral Design Pattern. This pattern allows you to implement your own programming language by working with an AST tree, the vertices of which are terminal and non-terminal expressions that implement the Interpret method, which provides the functionality of the language.

  • Terminal expression – e.g. string constant – “Hello World”
  • Non-terminal expression – e.g. Print(“Hello World”), contains Print and an argument from the Terminal expression “Hello World”

What’s the difference? The difference is that the interpretation on terminal expressions ends, and for non-terminal expressions it continues deep into all incoming nodes/arguments. If the AST tree consisted only of non-terminal expressions, then the application would never complete, because some end of any process is required, this end is what terminal expressions are, they usually contain data, for example, strings.

An example of an AST tree is below:

Dcoetzee, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

As you can see, terminal expressions are constant and variable, non-terminal expressions are the rest.

What is not included

The implementation of the Interpreter does not parse the string input of the language into the AST tree. It is enough to implement classes of terminal, non-terminal expressions, Interpret methods with the Context argument at the input, form an AST tree from expressions, run the Interpret method at the root expression. The context can be used to store the state of the application at runtime.


Participants in the pattern:

  • Client – returns AST tree and runs Interpret(context) on root node (Client)
  • Context – contains the state of the application, passed to expressions when interpreted (Context)
  • Abstract expression – an abstract class containing the method Interpret(context) (Expression)
  • Terminal expression is a final expression, a descendant of an abstract expression (TerminalExpression)
  • A non-terminal expression is not a final expression, contains pointers to nodes deep into the AST tree, subordinate nodes usually affect the result of interpreting a non-terminal expression (NonTerminalExpression)

C# Client Example

class Application {
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var context = new Context();
            var initialProgram = new PerformExpression(
                new IExpression[] {
                    new SetExpression("alpha", "1"),
                    new GetExpression("alpha"),
                    new PrintExpression(
                        new IExpression[] {
                            new ConstantExpression("Hello Interpreter Pattern")

Example of an Abstract Expression in C#

interface IExpression
    String interpret(Context context);

C# Terminal Expression Example (String Constant)

class ConstantExpression : TerminalExpression
    private String constant;

    public ConstantExpression(String constant) {
        this.constant = constant;

    override public String interpret(Context context) {
        return constant;

Example of a Non-Terminal Expression in C# (Launching and concatenating the results of subordinate nodes, using the delimiter “;”

class PerformExpression : NonTerminalExpression
    public PerformExpression(IExpression[] leaves) : base(leafs) {
        this.leafs = leaves;
    override public String interpret(Context context) {
        var output = "";
        foreach (var leaf in leaves) {
            output += leaf.interpret(context) + ";";
        return output;

Functionally, can you?

As you know, all Turing-complete languages ​​are equivalent. Can the Object-Oriented pattern be transferred to a Functional Programming language?

You can, for the experiment, let’s take the FP language for the web called Elm. There are no classes in Elm, but there are Records and Types, so the following records and types are involved in the implementation:

  • Expression – enumeration of all possible language expressions (Expression)
  • Subordinate expression – an expression that is subordinate to a non-terminal expression (ExpressionLeaf)
  • Context – a record that stores the state of the application (Context)
  • Functions that implement the Interpret(context) methods – all the necessary functions that implement the functionality of Terminal, Non-Terminal expressions
  • Auxiliary records of the Interpreter state – necessary for the correct operation of the Interpreter, store the state of the Interpreter, the context

For example function that implements the interpretation for the entire set of possible expressions on Elm:

run input =
  case input.expression of
    Constant text ->
        output = text
        context = input.context
    Perform leafs ->
      let inputs = List.map (\leaf -> { expressionLeaf = leaf, context = input.context } ) leafs in
        let startLeaf = { expressionLeaf = (Node (Constant "")), context = { variables = Dict.empty } } in
          let outputExpressionInput = List.foldl mergeContextsAndRunLeafs startLeaf inputs in
              output = (runExpressionLeaf outputExpressionInput).output,
              context = input.context
    Print printExpression ->
        expression = printExpression,
        context = input.context
    Set key value ->
      let variables = Dict.insert key value input.context.variables in
        context = { variables = variables }
    get key ->
        output = Maybe.withDefault("No value for key: " ++ key)(Dict.get key input.context.variables),
        context = input.context

What about parsing?

Parsing source code into an AST tree is not part of the Interpreter pattern, there are several approaches to parsing source code, but more on that some other time.
In the implementation of the Interpreter for Elm, I wrote the simplest parser into the AST tree, consisting of two functions – parsing a vertex, parsing subordinate vertices.

parseLeafs: ParseLeafsState -> ParseLeafsState
parseLeafs state =
    let tokensQueue = state.tokensQueue in
        let popped = pop state.tokensQueue in
            let tokensQueueTail = tail state.tokensQueue in
                if popped == "Nothing" then
                else if popped == "Perform(" then
                        tokensQueue = tokensQueue,
                        result = (state.result++[Node(parse tokensQueue)])
                else if popped == ")" then
                    parseLeafs {
                        tokensQueue = tokensQueueTail,
                        result = state.result
                else if popped == "Set" then
                    let key = pop tokensQueueTail in
                        let value = pop(tail tokensQueueTail) in
                            parseLeafs {
                                tokensQueue = tail(tail tokensQueueTail),
                                result = (state.result++[Node(Set key value)])
                else if popped == "Get" then
                    let key = pop tokensQueueTail in
                        parseLeafs {
                            tokensQueue = tail tokensQueueTail,
                            result = (state.result++[Node(Get key)])
                    parseLeafs {
                        tokensQueue = tokensQueueTail,
                        result = (state.result++[Node(Constant popped)])

parse tokensQueue =
    let popped = pop tokensQueue in
        let tokensQueueTail = tail tokensQueue in
            if popped == "Perform(" then
                    parseLeafs {
                        tokensQueue = tokensQueueTail,
                        result = []
            else if popped == "Set" then
                let key = pop tokensQueueTail in
                    let value = pop(tail tokensQueueTail) in
                        set key value
            else if popped == "Print" then
                Print(parse tokensQueueTail)
                Constant popped


https://gitlab.com/demensdeum /patterns/-/tree/master/interpreter/elm
https://gitlab.com/demensdeum/patterns/ -/tree/master/interpreter/csharp


https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet /csharp/

How I didn’t hit the guy on the pole or the story of amazing ingenuity

In this post I will write about the importance of architectural decisions in development, application support, in a team development environment.

Self-Operating Napkin – Rube Goldberg

During my youth, I worked on an app for ordering a taxi. In the program, you could choose a pickup point, a drop point, calculate the cost of the trip, the type of tariff, and, in fact, order a taxi. I got the application at the last stage of the pre-launch, after adding several fixes, the application was released in the AppStore. Already at that stage, the whole team understood that it was implemented very poorly, design patterns were not used, all components of the system were tightly connected, in general, it could be written into one large continuous class (God object), nothing would have changed, so how classes mixed their boundaries of responsibility and, in their mass, overlapped each other in a dead cohesion. Later, the management decided to write the application from scratch, using the correct architecture, which was done and the final product was implemented by several dozen B2B clients.

However, I will describe a curious incident from past architecture, from which I sometimes wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night, or suddenly remember in the middle of the day and start laughing hysterically. The thing is that I could not hit the guy on the pole the first time, and this brought down most of the application, but first things first.

It was an ordinary working day, one of the customers received a task to slightly modify the application design – it is banal to move a few pixels up the icon in the center of the screen on the pickup address selection screen. Well, having professionally evaluated the task in 10 minutes, I raised the icon 20 pixels up, suspecting nothing at all, I decided to check the taxi order.

What? Does the app no ​​longer show the order button? How did it happen?

I could not believe my eyes, after raising the icon by 20 pixels, the application stopped showing the continue ordering button. Rolling back the change, I saw the button again. Something was wrong here. After spending 20 minutes in the debugger, I got a little tired of unwinding spaghetti from calls to overlapping classes, but I found that * moving the picture really changes the logic of the application *

It was all about the icon in the center – the man on the pole, when he moved the map, he jumped to animate the camera movement, this animation was followed by the disappearance of the button below. Apparently the program thought that the man shifted by 20 pixels was in a jump, so, according to internal logic, it hid the confirmation button.

How can this happen? Does * the state * of the screen depend not on the pattern of the state machine, but on the * representation * of the guy’s position on the pole?

Everything turned out to be so, every time the map was drawn, the application * visually pick * in the middle of the screen and checked what was there, if there was a man on a pole, then this means that the animation of the map shift was over and the button had to be shown. In the case when the man is not there, it means that the map is shifting, and the button must be hidden.

In the example above, everything is fine, firstly, this is an example of the Goldberg Machine (abstruse machines), secondly, an example of the developer’s unwillingness to somehow interact with other developers in the team (try to figure it out without me), thirdly, you can list all the problems by SOLID, patterns (code smell), MVC violation, and more.

Try not to do this, develop in all possible directions, help your colleagues in their work. Happy new year everyone)







Facade Pattern

Facade belongs to structural design patterns. It provides a single interface that provides interaction between client and complex systems. GoF has a good example of the Facade – a compiler of programming languages ​​that provides different clients with different goals, the ability to build code through a single interface of the compiler facade.



Abstract Factory Pattern

Abstract factory – provides an interface for creating the corresponding objects, without specifying specific classes.

I really like the alternative name for this pattern – Kit

It is very similar to the Factory Method, however, Abstract Factories should describe the relationship between the created objects, otherwise it is already just the antipattern God Object, creating unsystematically everything.

Imagine the development of an AR framework for glasses, we display on the screen arrows for indoor navigation, store icons, interesting places, windows and buttons with information about any place where the user is now located.

At the same time, we need the ability to customize the appearance and behavior of the controls of the AR environment. That’s it for this case, you need to use the Set pattern.

We’ll write the interface of Abstract Factory and Products – parent protocols, elements of the AR environment:

protocol ARFactory {
    func arrow() -> ARArrow
    func icon() -> ARIcon
    func button() -> ARButton
    func window() -> ARWindow

protocol ARArrow {
    var image: { get }
    func handleSelection()

protocol ARIcon {
    var image: { get }
    var title: String

protocol ARButton {
    var title: String
    func handleSelection()

protocol ARWindow {
    var title: String
    var draw(canvas: Canvas)

Now the kit developers will need to implement the Concrete Factory on the basis of the Abstract Factory interface, and all the elements will have to be implemented together, the rest of the application will be able to work with the factory without changing its code.



Factory Method Pattern

Pattern Factory Method refers to creational design patterns.
This pattern describes the creation of an interface for creating an object of a particular class. Sounds simple yeah?


Suppose we are developing a framework for working with AR glasses, when you tilt your head to the side, a menu of available applications should appear in front of the user’s eyes. Applications will be developed by third-party companies, clients of our framework. Naturally, we don’t know which applications, icons, names should appear, so we must provide an interface for implementing the icon and related information about the application. Call it Product:

protocol Product {
 var name: String { get }
 var image: Image { get }
 var executablePath: String { get }

Next, we need to provide an interface so that our customers implement the application array of their Specific Product – an array of application icons with names that we will already draw in the framework.

We’ll write this interface – the Creator interface, containing the Factory Method, which returns an array of Products.

protocol Creator {
 func factoryMethod() -> [Product]

In practice

The first customer of our AR framework was 7B, a leading provider of coffee maker software in Honduras. They want to sell augmented reality glasses with the ability to brew coffee, check the fullness of the water / beans, point the way to their nearest coffee maker in indoor map mode.

They undertake the development of software, we only need to provide documentation on the interfaces of Creator and Product, for the correct listing of applications and their further launch.

After the documentation is transferred, 7B using the Creator interface implements the Concrete Creator – a class that returns an array of icon applications. Icon applications themselves are the Concrete Product classes implementing the Product interface.

Concrete Product code example:

class CoffeeMachineLocator: implements Product {
 let name = “7B Coffee Machine Locator v.3000”
 let image = Image.atPath(“images/locator.tga”)
 let executablePath = “CoffeeMachineLocator.wasm”

class iPuchinno: implements Product {
 let name = “iPuchinno 1.0.3”
 let image = Image.atPath(“images/puchino.pvrtc”)
 let executablePath = “neutron/ipuchBugFixFinalNoFreezeFixAlpha4.js”

Concrete Creator class, returning array with two applications:

class 7BAppsCreator: implements Creator {
 func factoryMethod() -> [Product] {
  return [CoffeeMachineLocator(), iPuchinno()]

After that, 7B compiles the library of Concrete Products, Concrete Creator and combines it with our framework, starts selling AR glasses for its coffee makers, no source code modifications on our side is required.



Command Pattern

Pattern Command refers to behavioral design patterns.

This is the pattern with which I sit longer than the rest, it is so simple that it is very complicated. But personally, I find the charm of self-learning in that you have all the time in the world to explore a specific issue from all angles.

So, in GoF, applicability is described rather concisely and clearly:
Encapsulates the request as an object, allowing you to configure (parameterize) clients with different requests, use queues, log requests and perform cancellation operations.

Now we implement a simple version of the command from the description:

string fakeTrumpsRequest = “SELECT * from Users where name beginsWith DonaldTrump”

We encapsulated the request in a string class object, it can configure clients, add commands to the queue, log, cancel (using the “Snapshot” pattern)

It seems to me that this is quite enough to implement SQL queries and the like, but then the implementation details begin, various applications, the code base of the pattern, the roles of the clients vary greatly, auxiliary classes are added.

The Math Part

The command pattern begins with the Command protocol, which contains a single execute() method. Next comes the Concrete Command and Receiver, QC implements the operation on the Receiver, describes the relationship between the Receiver and the action. Nothing is clear? Me too, but drove on. Client creates an instance of the Specific Command, associates it with the Receiver. Invoker – an object that implements the process of launching Command.

Now let’s try to figure out an example, let’s say we want to update myOS on myPhone, for this we launch the application myOS_Update!, in it we press the Update Now! Button, after 10 seconds the system will inform you of a successful update.

The Client in the example above is the application myOS_Update!, Invoker is the “Update Now!” button, it launches the Specific Command of the system update using the execute(), which refers to the Receiver – the daemon for updating the operating system.

Case Study

Let’s say the application UI is myOS_Update! so good that they decided to sell it as a separate product to provide an update interface for other operating systems. In this case, we will implement an application with support for extension through libraries, in the libraries there will be implementations of Specific Commands, Receivers, we will leave static/unchanged Invoker, Client, protocol Command.

Thus, there is no need to provide support for mutable code, since our code will remain unchanged, problems can arise only when implemented on the client side, due to errors in the code of their Concrete Commands and Receivers. Also, in such an implementation, there is no need to transfer the source code of the main application, that is, we encapsulated commands and UI interactions using the Command pattern.



Builder Pattern

The Builder pattern belongs to a group of patterns whose existence is not particularly clear to me, I note a clear redundancy of this. Refers to a group of generative design patterns. Used to implement a simple interface for creating complex objects.


Simplification of the interface. It can facilitate the creation of an object in constructors with a large number of arguments, objectively improve the readability of the code.

C ++ example without a builder:

auto monster = new Monster();
auto weapon = new Weapon(“Claws”);
monster->weapon = weapon;
auto health = new MonsterHealth(100);
monster->health = health;

C ++ example with a builder:

auto monster = new MonsterBuilder()

However, in languages ​​that support named arguments, there is no need to use it for this particular case.

Swift example using named arguments:

let monster = Monster(weapon: “Claws”, health: 100)

Immutability. Using the builder, you can ensure the encapsulation of the created object, until the final stage of assembly. Here you need to think carefully about whether the use of the pattern will save you from the high dynamics of the environment in which you work, perhaps the use of the pattern will not work, due to the simple lack of culture of using encapsulation by the development team.

Interaction with components at different stages of creating an object. Also, using the pattern, it is possible to provide step-by-step creation of an object when interacting with other components of the system. Most likely it is very useful (?)


Of course you need to * thoroughly * think about whether it is necessary to establish the widespread use of the pattern in your project. Languages ​​with modern syntax and an advanced IDE eliminate the need to use the Builder in terms of improving the readability of the code (see paragraph on named arguments)
Was it necessary to use this pattern in 1994, at the time of the release of the GoF book? Most likely yes, however, judging by the Open source code base of those years, few people used it.

