Question: “I want to share your game Demon’s Cave. What to do?”
Okay, you just need to copy-paste this code into your html:
<iframe width="640" height="384" src=""> </iframe>
Here is jsfiddle link with example:
Question: “I want to put advertisment on top of your Demon’s Cave game, is that ok?”
Yes that’s ok, please provide link to
Question: “I want to sell Demon’s Cave game, is that ok?”
You need to change graphics and music first, because it’s licensed under free for end-user license, please check Credits Page.
You can use fsagamelibrary.js as you wish, provide link to
If you do not give a link to the main site, the demon will come in to your dreams :^)
Question: “I want to modify your game, can I share it with you?”
Of Course! Send link to my twitter, facebook, or email.
Demon’s Cave game credits page is available here: