Build bgfx Emscripten Application

In this note, I will describe the method of assembling BGFX applications for the web (Webassembly) via Emscripten.

The installation platform is Linux X86-64, such as Arch Linux.

To begin with, we will install the EMSCRIPEN version 3.1.51, otherwise you will not succeed, everything is due to changes in the type of dynamic libraries in the latest version of EMScripten.You can read more here:
This is done like this:

git clone
cd emsdk
./emsdk install 3.1.51
./emsdk activate 3.1.51
source ./

We will collect the BGFX for Webassembly – Emscripten:

mkdir bgfx-build-test
cd bgfx-build-test
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd bgfx
emmake make wasm-debug

As a result, in the .Build folder you will have Bitcode files with the .bc extension that will need to be licked with your BGFX application.
Should be bgfx.bc, bx.bc, bimg.bc;In different assemblies, a different name for these files, depending on the type of assembly (Release/Debug)

Add to cmakelists.txt the file with .bc files, for example, absolute ways to files from the BGFX-Experiment project:

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} SDL2 GL /home/demensdeum_stream/Sources/bgfx-build/bgfx/.build/wasm/bin/bgfxDebug.bc /home/demensdeum_stream/Sources/bgfx-build/bgfx/.build/wasm/bin/bxDebug.bc /home/demensdeum_stream/Sources/bgfx-build/bgfx/.build/wasm/bin/bimgDebug.bc)

Now change National Window Handle in Platform Data on the initialization of BGFX:

bgfx::PlatformData platformData{};
platformData.context = NULL;
platformData.backBuffer = NULL;
platformData.backBufferDS = NULL;
platformData.nwh = (void*)"#canvas";

You also need to replace the type of render with Opengl:

bgfx::Init init;
init.type = bgfx::RendererType::OpenGL;

init.resolution.width = screenWidth;
init.resolution.height = screenHeight;
init.resolution.reset = BGFX_RESET_VSYNC;
init.platformData = platformData;

if (!bgfx::init(init))
    throw std::runtime_error("Failed to initialize bgfx");

Cross -sleeping GLSL shaders under 120:

shaderc -f "VertexShader.vs" -o "VertexShader.glsl" --type "v" -p "120"
shaderc -f "FragmentShader.fs" -o "FragmentShader.glsl" --type "f" -p "120"

EU-but .GLSL Files must be added to cmakelists.txt as -preload-file:

set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS ... <Остальная часть>
--preload-file VertexShader.glsl \
--preload-file FragmentShader.glsl \

It remains to replace the main cycle of the render in your application with While to call the function through EMSCRIPTEN_SETN_MAIN_LOOP.

You can read about this here:
Next, collect your EMSCRIPTEN project for the usual one, everything should work.
Of the interesting – in the assembly EMSCRIPTEN 3.1.51 it seems that Openal is absent (or only with me).

The source code of the project that is correctly assembled with BGFX and EMSCRIPTEN:

Share Demon’s Cave!

Question: “I want to share your game Demon’s Cave. What to do?”
Okay, you just need to copy-paste this code into your html:

<iframe width="640" height="384"

Here is jsfiddle link with example:

Question: “I want to put advertisment on top of your Demon’s Cave game, is that ok?”
Yes that’s ok, please provide link to

Question: “I want to sell Demon’s Cave game, is that ok?”
You need to change graphics and music first, because it’s licensed under free for end-user license, please check Credits Page.
You can use fsagamelibrary.js as you wish, provide link to
If you do not give a link to the main site, the demon will come in to your dreams :^)

Question: “I want to modify your game, can I share it with you?”
Of Course! Send link to my twitter, facebook, or email.

Demon’s Cave game credits page is available here:

Demens Deum Manifesto

Demens Deum MiniGames Logo

Demens Deum – team of indie developers, we create new and interesting things, whether it be games, software, music, comics. In the world there are very few teams are ready to experiment with ideas, technologies, feelings. Our manifesto – down with the usual scope of genres, down gray stamped hits – strike with experiment original universes, exciting stories to shock boring people and excite the heart of thirst!