The world upside down

To develop the new project, Cube Art Project adopted the Test Driven Development methodology. In this approach, a test is first implemented for a specific functionality of the application, and then the specific functionality is implemented. I consider the big advantage of this approach to be the implementation of the final interfaces, as uninitiated as possible into the details of the implementation, before the development of the functionality begins. With this approach, the test dictates further implementation, all the advantages of contract programming are added, when interfaces are contracts for a specific implementation.
Cube Art Project – 3D editor in which the user builds figures from cubes, not so long ago this genre was very popular. Since this is a graphic application, I decided to add tests with screenshot validation.
To validate screenshots, you need to get them from the OpenGL context, this is done using the glReadPixels function. The description of the function arguments is very simple – initial position, width, height, format (RGB/RGBA/etc.), pointer to the output buffer, anyone who has worked with SDL or has experience with data buffers in C will be able to simply substitute the necessary arguments. However, I think it is necessary to describe an interesting feature of the glReadPixels output buffer, pixels in it are stored from bottom to top, and in SDL_Surface all basic operations occur from top to bottom.
That is, having loaded a reference screenshot from a png file, I was unable to compare the two buffers head-on, since one of them was upside down.
To flip the output buffer from OpenGL you need to fill it by subtracting the height of the screenshot for the Y coordinate. However, it is worth considering that there is a chance of going beyond the buffer if you do not subtract one during filling, which will lead to memory corruption.
Since I try to use the OOP paradigm of “interface programming” everywhere, instead of direct C-like access to memory by pointer, then when I tried to write data beyond the buffer, the object informed me about it thanks to the bounds validation in the method.
The final code for the method to get a screenshot in top-down style:

    auto width = params->width;
    auto height = params->height;

    auto colorComponentsCount = 3;
    GLubyte *bytes = (GLubyte *)malloc(colorComponentsCount * width * height);
    glReadPixels(0, 0, width, height, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, bytes);

    auto screenshot = make_shared(width, height);

    for (auto y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        for (auto x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            auto byteX = x * colorComponentsCount;
            auto byteIndex = byteX + (y * (width * colorComponentsCount));
            auto redColorByte = bytes[byteIndex];
            auto greenColorByte = bytes[byteIndex + 1];
            auto blueColorByte = bytes[byteIndex + 2];
            auto color = make_shared(redColorByte, greenColorByte, blueColorByte, 255);
            screenshot->setColorAtXY(color, x, height - y - 1);


Sources t/glreadpixels-fliped-image/26561

Source code art-project-bootstrap

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