My Retro 16-bit Experience

Sorry for Runglish.
One day I got email, with something like this text:
“Hey! we are going to start retro game jam – bitbitjam3!!! You need to create game for some retro platform (8-16 bit)!!!”
Wow! It was my childhood dream – to create game for my favourite 16-bit console – Sega Genesis.
So I tried to create game for #bitbitjam3 game-jam, and I created something:
This thing called – “Red Queen Rampage”. Story of this game “Red Queen has been captured inside deadly maze, she is going to kill everything on her way to freedom.”
You can walk, you can attack green thing with red eyes, you can open treasure chest, and you can move from scene to scene.
This is actually hello-world level project in sega genesis world. I used SGDK toolset – GCC-based Motorola 68K compiler, and sega genesis specific hardware libraries.
Now I understood that it was really tough business to make games 20-30 years ago. For example – graphics (tiles) must be splitted into 8×8 pixels pieces, and then drawed together one-by-one. Every tiles must have its own pallete, only 16 color available! Damn its very easy to be gamedev at present time.
And like in nowadays – you need to create game engine, sound engine, graphics engine for game.
You can look at playable prototype of Red Queen Rampage by using Sega Genesis emulator with this ROM:
If you interested in source code:

Tutorial: Making Android Game. Setup Rajawali – Show Earth

And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

Second video about making game for Android. In this video we are going to rotate Earth!
Contact me if you have questions, or you want to add something interesting to video course.
This is Rajawali Basic Setup & Sphere (Maven) video tutorial for russian viewers, but also it have english subtitles. Original article link:

Rajawali Engine:

Plan, commands, links:
1. Install VirtualBox Guest Additions

sudo apt-get install dkms
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

2. Add Rajawali library to project
File build.gradle (Project: Demon’s Cave)
Add mavenCentral(into buildscript/repositories section
maven { url “” } into allprojects/repositories section

File build.gradle (Module: app)
Add compile ‘org.rajawali3d:rajawali:1.0.306-SNAPSHOT@aar’ into dependencies section

3. Create Renderer class, setup scene, add sphere and rotate it! source code:

4. Integrate Renderer into MainActivity source code:

Earth texture:

Demon’s Cave Review

Wohoo! Demon’s Cave mini-game has been reviewed at App Games

Demon’s Cave is a free little game which requires you to fly through a cave and avoid all the enemies that come your way. The entire experience is very simple and that’s what you should get in the case of a casual game!

What I like the most in the case of this game is the fact that it does deliver some very interesting controls and that’s what really pushes the experience forward as you go along. The game is filled with many enemies and that’s why you need to use all your wits and power in order to eliminate them.

Tutorial: Making Android Game

To Learn, to Learn and to Learn Once Again

Game Demon’s Cave is going to be released for Android.
I started making video course about porting Demon’s Cave to Android, it has English subtitles.
Contact me if you have questions, or you want to add something interesting to video course.
Also you can make subtitles for your language here:

Plan, commands, links:
1. Install VirtualBox
2. Install Xubuntu
3. Install Oracle Java 7

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer

4. Install 32bit libraries

sudo apt-get install lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6 zlib1g:i386

5. Install Chromium

sudo apt-get install chromium-browser

6. Install Android Studio