Surreal Engine C++ WebAssembly Port

In this note, I will describe how I ported the Surreal Engine game engine to WebAssembly.

Surreal Engine is a game engine that implements most of the functionality of the Unreal Engine 1. Well-known games on this engine include Unreal Tournament 99, Unreal, Deus Ex, and Undying. It is a classic engine that primarily worked in a single-threaded execution environment.

Initially, I had the idea to take on a project that I would not be able to complete in any reasonable timeframe, thus showing my Twitch followers that there are projects that even I cannot accomplish. On the very first stream, I suddenly realized that porting the Surreal Engine C++ to WebAssembly using Emscripten was achievable.

Surreal Engine Emscripten Demo

A month later, I can demonstrate my fork and build of the engine on WebAssembly:

The controls, as in the original, are carried out on the keyboard arrows. Next, I plan to adapt for mobile control (touch), add correct lighting, and other graphical features of the Unreal Tournament 99 renderer.

Where to Start?

The first thing I want to say is that any project can be ported from C++ to WebAssembly using Emscripten; the question is only how complete the functionality will be. Choose a project whose library ports are already available for Emscripten. In the case of Surreal Engine, it was very fortunate because the engine uses the SDL 2 and OpenAL libraries, both of which are ported to Emscripten. However, the graphical API used is Vulkan, which is currently not available for HTML5. Work is underway to implement WebGPU, but it is also in draft stage, and it is unknown how simple the further port from Vulkan to WebGPU will be after its full standardization. Therefore, I had to write my own basic OpenGL ES / WebGL renderer for Surreal Engine.

Project Build

The build system in Surreal Engine is CMake, which also simplifies porting since Emscripten provides its native builders – emcmake, emmake.
The Surreal Engine port was based on the code of my latest game on WebGL/OpenGL ES and C++ called Death-Mask, which made the development much easier; all necessary build flags and code examples were with me.

One of the most important moments in CMakeLists.txt is the build flags for Emscripten. Below is an example from the project file:

-fexceptions \
--preload-file UnrealTournament/ \
--preload-file SurrealEngine.pk3 \
--bind \
--use-preload-plugins \
-Wall \
-Wextra \
-Werror=return-type \
-s USE_SDL=2 \
-w \
-g4 \
-O3 \
--no-heap-copy \

The build script itself:

emmake make -j 16
cp /srv/http/SurrealEngine/
cp SurrealEngine.js /srv/http/SurrealEngine/SurrealEngine.js
cp SurrealEngine.wasm /srv/http/SurrealEngine/SurrealEngine.wasm
cp ../buildScripts/Emscripten/index.html /srv/http/SurrealEngine/index.html
cp ../buildScripts/Emscripten/background.png /srv/http/SurrealEngine/background.png

Next, prepare index.html, which includes the project file system preloader. For web deployment, I used the Unreal Tournament Demo version 338. As can be seen from the CMake file, the unpacked game folder was added to the build directory and linked as a preload-file for Emscripten.

Main Code Changes

Then it was necessary to change the game’s main loop; launching an infinite loop is not allowed as it causes the browser to hang. Instead, you need to use emscripten_set_main_loop. I wrote about this feature in my 2017 note “Porting an SDL C++ game to HTML5 (Emscripten)
Change the while loop exit condition to if, then output the main game engine class that contains the game loop to the global scope, and write a global function that will call the game loop step from the global object:

void emscripten_game_loop_step() {

After this, make sure that there are no background threads in the application. If there are, be prepared to rewrite them for single-threaded execution or use the pthread library in Emscripten.
A background thread in Surreal Engine is used for music playback. From the main engine thread, data about the current track and the need to play or stop music is received. The background thread then gets the new state via mutex and starts playing new music or pauses. The background thread is also used for music buffering during playback.
My attempts to build Surreal Engine under Emscripten with pthread were unsuccessful because the SDL2 and OpenAL ports were built without pthread support, and I didn’t want to rebuild them for the sake of music. Therefore, I transferred the background music thread functionality to single-threaded execution using a loop. By removing pthread calls from the C++ code, I moved buffering and music playback to the main thread, increasing the buffer by a few seconds to avoid delays.

Next, I will describe the specific implementations of graphics and sound.

Vulkan is Not Supported!

Yes, Vulkan is not supported in HTML5, although all advertising brochures present cross-platform and wide support on platforms as the main advantage of Vulkan. For this reason, I had to write my own basic graphics renderer for the simplified type of OpenGL – ES. It is used on mobile devices, sometimes lacking modern OpenGL features, but it is very well portable to WebGL, which is implemented by Emscripten. Writing the basic renderer for tiles, bsp rendering, simple GUI display, and models + maps took two weeks. This was perhaps the most challenging part of the project. There is still a lot of work ahead to implement the full rendering functionality of Surreal Engine, so any help from readers in the form of code and pull requests is welcome.

OpenAL is Supported!

It was very fortunate that Surreal Engine uses OpenAL for sound output. Writing a simple hello world in OpenAL and building it on WebAssembly with Emscripten made it clear how simple everything is, and I set off to port the sound.
After a few hours of debugging, it became apparent that there are several bugs in the Emscripten OpenAL implementation. For example, when initializing to read the number of mono channels, the method returned an infinite number, and after attempting to initialize a vector of infinite size, C++ crashed with a vector::length_error exception.
This was bypassed by hardcoding the number of mono channels to 2048:

		alcGetIntegerv(alDevice, ALC_MONO_SOURCES, 1, &monoSources);
		alcGetIntegerv(alDevice, ALC_STEREO_SOURCES, 1, &stereoSources);
monoSources = 2048; // for some reason Emscripten's OpenAL gives infinite monoSources count, bug?

Is there a Network?

Surreal Engine currently does not support network play. Bot play is supported, but someone needs to write AI for these bots. Theoretically, network play on WebAssembly/Emscripten can be implemented using Websockets.


In conclusion, I want to say that porting Surreal Engine was quite smooth due to the use of libraries that have Emscripten ports, as well as my previous experience in implementing a C++ game for WebAssembly on Emscripten. Below are links to sources of knowledge and repositories on the topic.

If you want to help the project, preferably with WebGL/OpenGL ES renderer code, write to me on Telegram:


Turn on USB keyboard backlight on macOS

I recently bought a very inexpensive Getorix GK-45X USB keyboard with RGB backlight. After connecting it to a Macbook Pro on an M1 processor, it became clear that the RGB backlight was not working. Even by pressing the magic combination Fn + Scroll Lock, it was not possible to turn on the backlight, only the backlight level of the MacBook screen changed.
There are several solutions to this problem, namely OpenRGB (does not work), HID LED Test (does not work). Only the kvmswitch utility worked:

You need to download it from the github and allow it to run from the terminal in the Security panel of the System Settings.
As I understood from the description, after launching the utility sends pressing Fn + Scroll Lock, thus turning on/off the backlight on the keyboard.

Tree sort

Tree sort – binary search tree sort. Time complexity – O(n²). In such a tree, each node has numbers less than the node on the left, more than the node on the right, when coming from the root and printing the values ​​from left to right, we get a sorted list of numbers. Surprising huh?

Consider the binary search tree schema:

Derrick Coetzee (public domain)

Try to manually read the numbers starting from the penultimate left node of the lower left corner, for each node on the left – a node – on the right.

It will turn out like this:

  1. The penultimate node at the bottom left is 3.
  2. She has a left branch – 1.
  3. Take this number (1)
  4. Next, take the vertex 3 (1, 3) itself
  5. To the right is branch 6, but it contains branches. Therefore, we read it in the same way.
  6. Left branch of node 6 number 4 (1, 3, 4)
  7. Node 6 itself (1, 3, 4, 6)
  8. Right 7 (1, 3, 4, 6, 7)
  9. Go up to the root node – 8 (1,3, 4 ,6, 7, 8)
  10. Print everything on the right by analogy
  11. Get the final list – 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14

To implement the algorithm in code, you need two functions:

  1. Building a binary search tree
  2. Printing the binary search tree in the correct order

They assemble a binary search tree in the same way as they read it, a number is attached to each node on the left or right, depending on whether it is less or more.

Lua example:

Node = {value = nil, lhs = nil, rhs = nil}

function Node:new(value, lhs, rhs)
    output = {}
    setmetatable(output, self)
    self.__index = self  
    output.value = value
    output.lhs = lhs
    output.rhs = rhs
    output.counter = 1
    return output  

function Node:Increment()
    self.counter = self.counter + 1

function Node:Insert(value)
    if self.lhs ~= nil and self.lhs.value > value then

    if self.rhs ~= nil and self.rhs.value < value then

    if self.value == value then
    elseif self.value > value then
        if self.lhs == nil then
            self.lhs = Node:new(value, nil, nil)
        if self.rhs == nil then
            self.rhs = Node:new(value, nil, nil)

function Node:InOrder(output)
    if self.lhs ~= nil then
       output = self.lhs:InOrder(output)
    output = self:printSelf(output)
    if self.rhs ~= nil then
        output = self.rhs:InOrder(output)
    return output

function Node:printSelf(output)
    for i=0,self.counter-1 do
        output = output .. tostring(self.value) .. " "
    return output

function PrintArray(numbers)
    output = ""
    for i=0,#numbers do
        output = output .. tostring(numbers[i]) .. " "

function Treesort(numbers)
    rootNode = Node:new(numbers[0], nil, nil)
    for i=1,#numbers do

numbersCount = 10
maxNumber = 9

numbers = {}

for i=0,numbersCount-1 do
    numbers[i] = math.random(0, maxNumber)


An important nuance is that for numbers that are equal to the vertex, a lot of interesting mechanisms for hooking to the node have been invented, but I just added a counter to the vertex class, when printing, the numbers are returned by the counter.

Links /algorithms/-/tree/master/sortAlgorithms/treesort


TreeSort Algorithm Explained and Implemented with Examples in Java | Sorting Algorithms | Geekific – YouTube

Tree sort – YouTube

Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree (LeetCode 108. Algorithm Explained) – YouTube

Sorting algorithms/Tree sort on a linked list – Rosetta Code

Tree Sort – GeeksforGeeks

Tree sort – Wikipedia

How to handle duplicates in Binary Search Tree? – GeeksforGeeks

Tree Sort | GeeksforGeeks – YouTube

Bucket Sort

Bucket Sort – bucket sorting. The algorithm is similar to sorting by counting, with the difference that the numbers are collected into “buckets”-ranges, then the buckets are sorted using any other, sufficiently productive, sorting algorithm, and the final chord is the expansion of the “buckets” one by one, resulting in a sorted list.

The time complexity of the algorithm is O(nk). The algorithm runs in linear time for data that obeys a uniform distribution. To put it simply, the elements must be in a certain range, without “splashes”, for example, numbers from 0.0 to 1.0. If among such numbers there are 4 or 999, then such a series, according to the laws of the yard, is no longer considered “even”.

Implementation example in Julia:

function bucketSort(numbers, bucketsCount)
    buckets = Vector{Vector{Int}}()
    for i in 0:bucketsCount - 1
        bucket = Vector{Int}()
        push!(buckets, bucket)

    maxNumber = maximum(numbers)

    for i in 0:length(numbers) - 1
        bucketIndex = 1 + Int(floor(bucketsCount * numbers[1 + i] / (maxNumber + 1)))
        push!(buckets[bucketIndex], numbers[1 + i])

    for i in 0:length(buckets) - 1
        bucketIndex = 1 + i
        buckets[bucketIndex] = sort(buckets[bucketIndex])

    flat = [(buckets...)...]
    print(flat, "\n")


numbersCount = 10
maxNumber = 10
numbers = rand(1:maxNumber, numbersCount)
bucketsCount = 10
bucketSort(numbers, bucketsCount)

The performance of the algorithm is also affected by the number of buckets, for more numbers it is better to take a larger number of buckets (Algorithms in a nutshell by George T. Heineman)



Radix Sort

Radix Sort – radix sort. The algorithm is similar to counting sort in that there is no comparison of elements, instead elements are *character-by-character* grouped into *buckets* (buckets), the bucket is selected by the index of the current number-character. Time complexity – O(nd).

Works like this:

  • The input will be the numbers 6, 12, 44, 9
  • Let’s create 10 buckets of lists (0-9) into which we will add/sort numbers bit by bit.


  1. Run a loop with counter i up to the maximum number of characters in the number
  2. At index i from right to left we get one character for each number, if there is no character, then we consider it to be zero
  3. The character is converted to a number
  4. Select a bucket by index – number, put the whole number there
  5. After finishing iterating over numbers, convert all buckets back to a list of numbers
  6. Get numbers sorted by digit
  7. Repeat until all digits run out

Radix Sort example in Scala:

import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.util.Random.nextInt

object RadixSort {
    def main(args: Array[String]) = {
        var maxNumber = 200
        var numbersCount = 30
        var maxLength = maxNumber.toString.length() - 1

        var referenceNumbers = LazyList.continually(nextInt(maxNumber + 1)).take(numbersCount).toList
        var numbers = referenceNumbers
        var buckets = List.fill(10)(ListBuffer[Int]())

        for( i <- 0 to maxLength) { numbers.foreach( number => {
                    var numberString = number.toString
                    if (numberString.length() > i) {
                        var index = numberString.length() - i - 1
                        var character = numberString.charAt(index).toString
                        var characterInteger = character.toInt  
                        buckets.apply(characterInteger) += number
                    else {
                        buckets.apply(0) += number
            numbers = buckets.flatten
            buckets.foreach(x => x.clear())
        println(s"Validation result: ${numbers == referenceNumbers.sorted}")

The algorithm also has a version for parallel execution, for example on the GPU; there is also a variant of bit sort, which is probably very interesting and truly breathtaking!


Sources D1%8F%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D1%81%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%BE%D0% B2%D0%BA%D0%B0


Heapsort – heap sort. Time complexity – O(n log n), fast eh? I would call this sorting – sorting of falling stones. It seems to me that the easiest way to explain it is visually.

The input is a list of numbers, for example:
5, 0, 7, 2, 3, 9, 4

From left to right, a data structure is made – a binary tree, or as I call it – a pyramid. Pyramid elements can have a maximum of two child elements, with only one top element.

Let’s make a binary tree:
2 3 9 4

If you look at the pyramid for a long time, you can see that these are just numbers from the array, going one after another, the number of elements in each floor is multiplied by two.

Then the fun begins, we sort the pyramid from bottom to top, using the falling pebbles method (heapify). Sorting could be started from the last floor (2 3 9 4 ), but it makes no sense because there is no floor below where one could fall.

Therefore, we start dropping elements from the penultimate floor (0 7)
2 3 9 4

The first element to fall is selected on the right, in our case it is 7, then we look at what is under it, and below it are 9 and 4, nine is more than four, so also nine is more than seven! We drop 7 on 9, and raise 9 to place 7.
2 3 7 4

Further, we understand that the seven has nowhere to fall below, go to the number 0, which is located on the penultimate floor on the left:
2 3 7 4

We look at what is under it – 2 and 3, two is less than three, three is greater than zero, so we change zero and three in places:
2 0 7 4

When you get to the end of the floor, go to the floor above and drop everything there if you can.
The result is a data structure – a heap (heap), namely max heap, because at the top is the largest element:
2 0 5 4

If you return it to an array representation, you get a list:
[9, 3, 7, 2, 0, 5, 4]

From this we can conclude that by swapping the first and last element, we will get the first number in the final sorted position, namely 9 should be at the end of the sorted list, swap:
[4, 3, 7, 2, 0, 5, 9]

Let’s look at the binary tree:
2 0 5 9

The result is a situation in which the lower part of the tree is sorted, you just need to drop 4 to the correct position, repeat the algorithm, but do not take into account the already sorted numbers, namely 9:
2 0 5 9

2 0 5 9

2 0 4 9

It turned out that we, having dropped 4, raised the next largest number after 9 – 7. Swap the last unsorted number (4) and the largest number (7)
2 0 7 9

It turned out that now we have two numbers in the correct final position:
4, 3, 5, 2, 0, 7, 9

Next, we repeat the sorting algorithm, ignoring those already sorted, as a result we get heap:
4 5 7 9

Or as a list:
0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9


The algorithm is usually divided into three functions:

  1. Heap creation
  2. Sifting algorithm (heapify)
  3. Replacing the last unsorted element and the first one

A heap is created by traversing the penultimate row of the binary tree using the heapify function, from right to left to the end of the array. Then the first replacement of numbers is made in the cycle, after which the first element falls / remains in place, as a result of which the largest element falls into first place, the cycle repeats with a decrease in participants by one, because after each pass, the sorted numbers remain at the end of the list.

Heapsort example in Ruby:

DEMO = true

module Colors
    BLUE = "\033[94m"
    RED = "\033[31m"
    STOP = "\033[0m"

def heapsort(rawNumbers)
    numbers = rawNumbers.dup

    def swap(numbers, from, to)
        temp = numbers[from]
        numbers[from] = numbers[to]
        numbers[to] = temp

    def heapify(numbers)
        count = numbers.length()
        lastParentNode = (count - 2) / 2

        for start in lastParentNode.downto(0)
            siftDown(numbers, start, count - 1)
            start -= 1 

        if DEMO
            puts "--- heapify ends ---"

    def siftDown(numbers, start, rightBound)      
        cursor = start
        printBinaryHeap(numbers, cursor, rightBound)

        def calculateLhsChildIndex(cursor)
            return cursor * 2 + 1

        def calculateRhsChildIndex(cursor)
            return cursor * 2 + 2

        while calculateLhsChildIndex(cursor) <= rightBound
            lhsChildIndex = calculateLhsChildIndex(cursor)
            rhsChildIndex = calculateRhsChildIndex(cursor)

            lhsNumber = numbers[lhsChildIndex]
            biggerChildIndex = lhsChildIndex

            if rhsChildIndex <= rightBound
                rhsNumber = numbers[rhsChildIndex]
                if lhsNumber < rhsNumber
                    biggerChildIndex = rhsChildIndex

            if numbers[cursor] < numbers[biggerChildIndex]
                swap(numbers, cursor, biggerChildIndex)
                cursor = biggerChildIndex
            printBinaryHeap(numbers, cursor, rightBound)
        printBinaryHeap(numbers, cursor, rightBound)

    def printBinaryHeap(numbers, nodeIndex = -1, rightBound = -1)
        if DEMO == false
        perLineWidth = (numbers.length() * 4).to_i
        linesCount = Math.log2(numbers.length()).ceil()
        xPrinterCount = 1
        cursor = 0
        spacing = 3
        for y in (0..linesCount)
            line = { " " }
            spacing = spacing == 3 ? 4 : 3
            printIndex = (perLineWidth / 2) - (spacing * xPrinterCount) / 2
            for x in (0..xPrinterCount - 1)
                if cursor >= numbers.length
                if nodeIndex != -1 && cursor == nodeIndex
                    line[printIndex] = "%s%s%s" % [Colors::RED, numbers[cursor].to_s, Colors::STOP]
                elsif rightBound != -1 && cursor > rightBound
                    line[printIndex] = "%s%s%s" % [Colors::BLUE, numbers[cursor].to_s, Colors::STOP]
                    line[printIndex] = numbers[cursor].to_s
                cursor += 1
                printIndex += spacing
            print line.join()
            xPrinterCount *= 2           
            print "\n"            

    rightBound = numbers.length() - 1

    while rightBound > 0
        swap(numbers, 0, rightBound)   
        rightBound -= 1
        siftDown(numbers, 0, rightBound)     

    return numbers

numbersCount = 14
maximalNumber = 10
numbers = { Random.rand(maximalNumber) }
print numbers
print "\n---\n"

start =
sortedNumbers = heapsort(numbers)
finish =
heapSortTime = start - finish

start =
referenceSortedNumbers = numbers.sort()
finish =
referenceSortTime = start - finish

print "Reference sort: "
print referenceSortedNumbers
print "\n"
print "Reference sort time: %f\n" % referenceSortTime
print "Heap sort:      "
print sortedNumbers
print "\n"
if DEMO == false
    print "Heap sort time:      %f\n" % heapSortTime
    print "Disable DEMO for performance measure\n"

if sortedNumbers != referenceSortedNumbers
    puts "Validation failed"
    exit 1
    puts "Validation success"
    exit 0

Without visualization, this algorithm is not easy to understand, so the first thing I recommend is to write a function that will print the current view of the binary tree.


ReferencesПирамидальная_сортировкаСортировка_кучейДерево (структура данных)Куча (структура данных)

Bumblebee All Troubles

Recently, it turned out that users of modern Nvidia GPUs under Arch Linux do not need to use the bumblebee package at all, for example, for me it did not detect an external monitor when connected. I recommend removing the bumblebee package and all related packages, and installing prime using the instructions on the Arch Wiki.
Next, to launch all games on Steam and 3D applications, add prime-run, for Steam this is done like this prime-run %command% in additional launch options.
To check the correctness, you can use glxgears, prime-run glxgears. pid=2048195#p2048195